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General Catalog 610-01
Temperature sensors Pt100
Temperature sensors Pt100
General information
Temperature sensors Pt100


The measurement is based on variation of resistance from metallic wires (resistors) against variations of temperature.
Materials most often used are platinum and nickel.
Platinum offers a large temperature range and a good linearity. His pureness and chemical inertia guarantee a high stability
of sensor itself.

Relation between platinum resistance and temperature according Standard CEI 751 is as following formula (restricted):

Rt = Ro [ 1 + At + Bt2 + Ct3 (t - 100)]

  • Rt : Sensor resistance at temperature t
  • Ro : Sensor resistance at 0°C
  • t : Temperature in °C
  • A B C : coefficients according to previous calibration ( C = 0 for positive temperature in °C)

Industrial probes and boards are based on:

  • Ro = 100 Ohm at 0°C
  • R100 = 138.5 Ohm at 100°C
  • France: NFC 42330
  • Germany: DIN 43760
  • Great Britain BS 1904
  • International CEI 751
General Catalog 610-01
10/04/2018 08:30
General information
Temperature sensors Pt100
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