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Water traces and leakage detector
Water traces and leakage detector

LISA will detect immediately the presence of unexpected water in systems and buildings
1 drop of water is sufficient for alarming and sending you the information.
The signal alarm occurs before the flood affects the monitored area.
A self-test of the detection loop is a warranty of a safe reliability of the complete system.

Applications are many, LISA is designed for monitoring water leakage close to pipes (cooling network, sprinklers) and protection of electronic devices or rare pieces (computer rooms, museum, stores, energy plants) that you may protect from water (leakage or condensation).

LISA includes a sensor (point detector or ribbon detector) and a specific relay ES5000.
The ribbon sensor "LISA-T" is an absorbing ribbon with two separated electrical wires, plus a resistance ending the loop detection.
As soon as some water dampens the fabric, the resistivity decreases; the relay ES5000 detects the lower resistance of the loop even with only one drop.
The fabric is loaded with ionic materials to allow detection even with demineralised water or low electrically conductive.
The ribbon can be applied in any position and follow any shape, for instance around a valve head or around an electrical device.
The relay ES 5000 works as a positive safe detection system. Through its built-in self-diagnostic of the detection loop, it gives an alarm in case of short circuit and when the loop is broken of.

A one-point detector is used for a strategic detection on a small area.
The ribbon fits any surface in any position: may be glued or strapped on the surface. A detection net may be built on the floor, allowing a localization of the alarm event.
Once the source of alarm is secured, the ribbon is operating without dismantling by drying it (hair dryer is efficient in few minutes).

Data sheet: LISA, Liquid Intrusion Safe Alarming System

Created on 22/12/2009 14:50
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