The measurement is based on variation of resistance from metallic wires (resistors) against variations of temperature. Materials most often used are platinum and nickel. Platinum offers a large temperature range and a good linearity. His pureness and chemical inertia guarantee a high stability of sensor itself.
Relation between platinum resistance and temperature according Standard CEI 751 is as following formula (restricted):
Rt = Ro [ 1 + At + Bt2 + Ct3 (t - 100)]
Rt : Sensor resistance at temperature t
Ro : Sensor resistance at 0°C
t : Temperature in °C
A B C : coefficients according to previous calibration ( C = 0 for positive temperature in °C)
Industrial probes and boards are based on:
Ro = 100 Ohm at 0°C
R100 = 138.5 Ohm at 100°C
France: NFC 42330
Germany: DIN 43760
Great Britain BS 1904
International CEI 751
General Catalog 610-01 10/04/2018 08:30
General information Temperature sensors Pt100
BAMO Mesures SAS
22, Rue de la Voie des Bans Parc d'activités de la Gare
95100 ARGENTEUIL France