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General Catalog 727-01
RA 60 / FA 60
RA 60 / FA 60
Variable Area Flowmeters
RA 60 / FA 60
RA FA 60

• Direct reading on calibrated tube
• Range: From 0.1 l/h up to 1,500 m³/h
• Accuracy ±2 %
• For liquid or for gas
• Materials: Glass, Steel or Stainless Steel
• Adjustable contacts
• Analogue output 4-20 mA or 0-10 Volt
• ATEX version


Direct reading of flow-rate on gases or on liquids:
- Water treatment, Industrial process (paper mill, textiles etc.), Chemical and pharmaceutical industries, Heating and cooling plants


The measuring principle is that of the variable area flowmeter, the float is moved by the fluid inside a calibrated conical glass tube. The borosilicate glass conical tube is inside a steel case with a transparent reading window.


RA 60 Fittings: Unions BSP-F: ¼'' to G 3''
FA 60 Fittings: Flange ND 10 to ND 200
RA/ FA 60-MSK1 With N.C. bistable contact
RA/ FA 60-MSK2 With N.O. bistable contact
RA / FA 60-MSKW With bistable changeover contact
RA / FA 60-EM * With analogue output 4-20 mA or 0-10 Volt
(Only on model sizes 100 and 110)
RA / FA 60... Ex ATEX, explosion-proof versions

These flowmeters can be equipped with a magnetic float and Reed contacts, trigger points adjustable over the entire measuring range.

Analog output: or 4-20 mA, or 0-10 Volt
The transmitter is connected to a Hall effect, linear signal ruler. The analogue signal is the image of the float position. The transmitter is connected via an M12 connector. This output is useful for applications using a PLC. The device is compact with a high level of repeatability.

General Catalog 727-01
08/12/2020 17:46
Variable Area Flowmeters
RA 60 / FA 60
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