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General Catalog 583-02
Cable and pulleys, gastight level indicator

• For storage tanks
• Gastight indicator
• Protection from emitted vapors
• Works without power supply
• Options: Level switches; Graduated ruler


- Liquid storage (neutral, acidic or basic)


The SFA/E shows the level in a sealed storage tank. The equipment is designed for
liquids that emit harmful or corrosive vapors, or to protect the stored liquid from
external atmosphere.

The float, suspended to a rope (or cable) supported by 2 pulleys, drives a counterweight inside the guide tube, showing the level of the liquid. The pulleys are enclosed in PVC elbows with a no-jump system, thus ensuring perfect guidance of the rope. Elbows are connected together with a PVC transfer tube. The counterweight is guided in a tube Ø 63, tightly closed. The equipment fits on the tank with a loose flange DN 100 in PVC.

The guide tube is fixed through collars, and can support a PVC graduated ruler and/or level switches actuated by the magnetic counter weight (see data-sheet 583-03).

General Catalog 583-02
01/07/2024 10:38
Cable and pulleys, gastight level indicator
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